Media Kit
The Largest Association Representing Assisted Care Communities in Florida
Florida Assisted Living Association (FALA) represents the owners and operators of assisted living communities and adult family care homes in Florida. FALA focuses on legislative action, government relations and enhancing the assisted living facility industry and is the largest state association representing assisted living facilities and adult family care homes in Florida with more than 25,000 beds statewide.

Florida’s long-term care industry represents $26 billion in economic activity in the state.

Each issue of Aspire goes out to 100 percent of the assisted living and nursing home facilities statewide!
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Aspire and the FALA Annual Membership Directory are the official publications of the Florida Assisted Living Association. The triannual magazine and annual directory are critical components of the FALA's communications program and feature vital information and resources for professionals in the field of assisted living. When our readers are ready to contact services and products for their businesses, make sure they think of you first.
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Innovative Publishing, a national publisher of association and corporate magazines for more that 25 years, is the official publisher of Aspire and the 2019 FALA Membership Directory.
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Innovative Publishing
10629 Henning Way, Suite 8
Louisville, KY 40241
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