Membership Information

Learn more about our membership opportunities

"I have been in awe of what FALA does for its members and in turn for our senior population."
~Terry Harrell, Owner/Operator, Mimi's Care Cottage Inc.

Map of where FALA facility members are located and their number of bedsFor 30 years, the Florida Assisted Living Association has provided education, legislative advocacy, regulatory support, and consumer awareness. We understand the challenges faced by assisted living owners and operators, and we want our members to stay abreast of the issues that impact their business, residents, and staff. By joining FALA, members also have the ability to get limited legal advice and become a part of a network of ancillary health service providers and non-health related businesses who want to help you succeed. Many of our non-health related FALA members provide our facility members with discounted services for your business and its employees, where permitted by law.

FALA gives our members a voice – and the more members there are, the louder the FALA voice will be heard at our state capitol. FALA has also made a commitment to our lobbying efforts by hiring two full-time lobbyists who work on assisted living issues year-round. More and more assisted living facilities and adult family care homes are joining FALA. Why not join today and be a part of this growing organization?

    Why Join page 2 Infographic

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Local Component

Chapter meetings create opportunities for members to connect with each other, share experiences, and celebrate the great work happening in their community. Local chapters sponsor a wide range of activities, including educational programs and community awareness campaigns.

State Component

The State component advocates for the assisted living industry before Florida legislature and regulatory agencies. Their efforts ensure that assisted living and adult family care home interests are represented and heard on important issues affecting the industry and their residents. State conferences and regional meetings provide opportunities that assist FALA members to expand relationships with others throughout the assisted living industry.

Facility Member

Any individual, firm, corporation or partnership owning, operating or managing a state-licensed Assisted Living Facility (ALF) or Adult Family Care Home (AFCH) is eligible for Facility Membership. (Facilities not yet licensed do NOT qualify for Facility Membership but may qualify for Provisional Facility Membership; contact our office to discuss.)
Annual member dues are based on the number of beds for which the ALF or AFCH is licensed by AHCA, and memberships are set on a calendar term with a January 1 renewal date.  New members joining mid-year must pay full annual dues with their application; a prorated portion of the paid dues will be applied to the current year and the balance as a credit to the next year to provide for a total of 12 months of member benefits.  The renewal dues invoice for year two will reflect the true-up balance due to carry membership through December 31, and all subsequent renewal invoices will be for a full calendar year.

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Join as Facility Member

Provisional Facility

Provisional Facility Membership may be granted to firms, corporations, partnerships or individuals who can demonstrate that they are in the process of acquiring or building a facility which can reasonably be expected to have an ALF or AFCH license within one year of joining.  Provisional Facility Membership is provided for up to 12 months, until the facility is licensed.  Once licensed, the facility’s member dues are then calculated on the number of licensed beds for the remainder of the current year and an invoice is issued for any prorated net dues balance that may be due. 
Provisional Facility Members receive full member benefits, with the exception of voting privileges at any meeting of the membership.  Voting privileges will be instated once the facility is licensed and full standard membership dues are paid.

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Associate Member

Any firm, corporation or partnership not owning, administering or managing an ALF or AFCH and that provides goods and services to the assisted living industry is eligible for Associate Membership.  Associate Members may participate in all Association activities, including serving on committees, except that they are limited in their voting privileges as set forth in Article VI of the FALA Bylaws.
Associate Members receive one address listing in FALA’s membership directories.  Additional address listings are available as Associate Member-Additional Company Location memberships, with dues paid for each location to be listed.  Additional listings are contingent upon the primary Associate Member location paying its full annual dues.

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Associate Add'l Location Member

Associate Members receive one address listing in FALA’s membership directories.  Additional address listings are available as Associate Member-Additional Company Location memberships, with dues paid for each location to be listed.  Additional listings are contingent upon the primary Associate Member location paying its full annual dues.

Join as Associate Add'l Location Member